The English Department would like to congratulate the following students for their academic achievements!
- Matt Dodson, who received his B.A. in English this past spring, will be attending Oregon State University after being accepted into its School of Writing, Literature, and Film. Matt will pursue a Master of Arts degree in Literature and Culture and teach writing as a Graduate Teaching Assistant. He wants to study American literature from 1900 to present with an emphasis on nature/environmental literature. He was also accepted by Masters programs at Colorado State University, Portland State University, and the University of Colorado at Boulder.
- Jeff Russell, a Belmont graduate of the Master of Arts in English program, has been accepted into the Ph.D. program in Educational Psychology and Research at the University of Tennessee. He will pursue his doctorate with a concentration in Adult Learning and a minor in English Education.
- Michael Watson, a Belmont English graduate student, recently delivered a paper at The Joseph Conrad Society's Annual International Conference, held in Bath, England in July. His paper was titled, "Steaming Towards a Dark Intent: Establishing Discourse between the Production of Purpose and Self-Discovery in 'Heart of Darkness'."