Dr. Danielle Alexander wants you to know that submissions for the
Belmont Literary Journal are being accepted until
February 12 . Along with art, song lyrics, poetry, and fiction,
BLJ is especially interested in creative nonfiction, a separate category this year.
In order to submit to the
1. Fill out a (white) "Submission Form," available outside Dr. Alexander's office, in the Writing Center, or in the Library lobby. A hard copy of this form must be submitted to Dr. Alexander.
2. You must submit your prose or poetry as an email attachment to danielle.alexander@belmont.edu. You may submit a hard copy of your work, but you don't have to.
If you would like to work as a reader for one of the selection committees, please see the Writing Center or Dr. Alexander's office door for a (lemon) "Survey of Work Interests" form. There are a limited number of spaces available for the different selection committees (fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction), so fill out your form soon! We’ll be finalizing the selection committees by mid-February.
As many of you know, Dr. Curtis likes to point out that he published in the same college literary jounral as Cormac McCarthy (two pieces to one at that). Who is going to say something like that about you? Submit to
BLJ, and be someone's brush with greatness!